All Layout Animation available as a
video link with the layout animations.
For building our animations we
used3.3- 12v gear DC motors, ultrasonic water generators, miniature wind
mini LCD displays, magnetic fields sterling mechanisms, miniature
led build movie projector, led wall projectors,
LCD miniature displays.
Scale Model Animation s List:
1 x Family House
Regina - Family Dinner - Display Scale animation, custom audio, and video
1 x Family House
John - 2 Couples Dinner - Display Scale animation, custom audio, and video
2 x Netcong TV Store - TV animation - Display Scale animation, "I Love Lucy"
1 x Cranberry Lake - Pulling Boat - based on gear DC motors - control
by DMX system
1 x Cranberry Lake - Wheel Inner Tube - based on gear DC
motors - control by DMX system
1 x Cranberry Lake - Seesaw - based on gear
DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x Cranberry Lake - Wheel Inner Tube -
based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x Hoboken NJ - Smoke
Animation - the ultrasonic smoke water generator
1 x Metuchen NJ - Parking
a car - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x Cranberry Lake
- Parking a car (John's aunt) - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX
1 x Andover - Eating Ice Cream Animation - based on gear DC motors
- control by DMX system - 4 figures animated.
1 x Cranberry Lake - Artist -
based on gear DC motors - 2 movements - control by DMX system
1 x Cranberry
Lake - Painter - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x
Cranberry Lake - Roof repair - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX
1 x Cranberry Lake - Drinking man - based on gear DC motors -
control by DMX system
1 x Family Houses - Tire Swing - based on gear DC
motors - control by DMX system
1 x Drive Inn Movie - Movie projector system,
movie display screen - control by DMX system
1 x Drive Inn Movie - Movie
action car - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x Andover -
Tag of war animation - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x
Cranberry Lake - BBQ animation, - the ultrasonic smoke generator, BBQ fire
1 x Cranberry Lake - Ceiling Fans - based on gear DC motors -
control by DMX system - 2 separate systems
1 x Metuchen NJ - Outside
clothesline - based on the wind generator turbine
1 x Cranberry Lake - Hunter
and fox - - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x Hoboken
NJ - Locomotive Turntable - manual control DC Motors
1 x Hoboken NJ - DC3
Airplane - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system - 2 nanomotors
installed, custom lighting
1 x New Jersey - Ducks in the pound - based on
gear DC motors, magnet connections - control by DMX system
1 x Hoboken NJ
- Chimney smoke animation - the ultrasonic smoke generator
1 x Andover NJ
- Church Tower bell animation - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX
system, custom sound
1 x Andover - Driving cars animation - based on gear
DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x Metuchen NJ - Seesaw - based on
gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x Metuchen NJ - Baseball Game -
based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x Cranberry Lake - Dock
Swing - based on gear DC motors, magnet connections - control by DMX system
1 x Cranberry Lake - Lawn Mower - based on gear DC motors, magnet connections
- control by DMX system
1 x Cranberry Lake - Family on Dock - based on
gear DC motors, magnet connections - control by DMX system
1 x Farm PA -
Water Turbine - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x Family
Home NJ - Golfer - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x
Cranberry Lake - Float Mattress - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX
4 x Movie Theater Playground - figures animations - based on gear
DC motors, magnet connections - control by DMX system
1 x Cranberry Lake -
Pickup with trailer - based on gear DC motors - control by DMX system
1 x
Hoboken Station - Toilet animation - based on 2 x gear DC motors - control by
DMX system
1 x Hoboken Tunel NJ - Deer animation - holographic animation
x Hoboken Station - Mother with child animation - based on gear DC motors -
control by DMX system
1 x Freight Car - Tiger - Zoo Delivery - Display Scale
animation, custom audio, and video
Lighting scene Animation
1 x moon and shooting stars, - projection animation, Color kinetic
lighting system by Phillips, fiberoptic stars, control by DMX system,
in by custom design touch screen interface
1 x rainbow projection
animation - control by DMX system, trigger in by custom design touch screen
1 x
thunderstorm projection animation, Color kinetic lighting system by Phillips,
strobe lights, control by DMX system,
trigger in by custom design
touch screen interface